plaid2.model.transfer_intent_get module
- class plaid2.model.transfer_intent_get.TransferIntentGet(*, failure_reason: Optional[TransferIntentGetFailureReason] = None, amount: str, user: TransferUserInResponse, iso_currency_code: str, require_guarantee: Optional[bool] = None, guarantee_decision_rationale: Optional[TransferAuthorizationGuaranteeDecisionRationale] = None, origination_account_id: str, guarantee_decision: Optional[str] = None, created: str, authorization_decision: Optional[str] = None, mode: str, status: str, authorization_decision_rationale: Optional[TransferAuthorizationDecisionRationale] = None, description: str, metadata: Optional[TransferMetadata] = None, transfer_id: Optional[str] = None, account_id: Optional[str] = None, id: str, ach_class: str)[source]
- account_id: Optional[str]
The Plaid account_id for the account that will be debited or credited. Returned only if account_id was set on intent creation.
- ach_class: str
Specifies the use case of the transfer. Required for transfers on an ACH network.
“ccd” - Corporate Credit or Debit - fund transfer between two corporate bank accounts
“ppd” - Prearranged Payment or Deposit - the transfer is part of a pre-existing relationship with a consumer, eg. bill payment
“tel” - Telephone-Initiated Entry
“web” - Internet-Initiated Entry - debits from a consumer’s account where their authorization is obtained over the Internet
- amount: str
The amount of the transfer (decimal string with two digits of precision e.g. “10.00”).
- authorization_decision: Optional[str]
A decision regarding the proposed transfer.
APPROVED – The proposed transfer has received the end user’s consent and has been approved for processing by Plaid. The decision_rationale field is set if Plaid was unable to fetch the account information. You may proceed with the transfer, but further review is recommended (i.e., use Link in update to re-authenticate your user when decision_rationale.code is LOGIN_REQUIRED). Refer to the code field in the decision_rationale object for details.
DECLINED – Plaid reviewed the proposed transfer and declined processing. Refer to the code field in the decision_rationale object for details.
- authorization_decision_rationale: Optional[TransferAuthorizationDecisionRationale]
The rationale for Plaid’s decision regarding a proposed transfer. It is always set for declined decisions, and may or may not be null for approved decisions.
- created: str
- Type
The datetime the transfer was created. This will be of the form `2006-01-02T15
- Type
- description: str
A description for the underlying transfer. Maximum of 8 characters.
- dict(**kwargs: Any) Dict[str, Any] [source]
Return a dict representation of the object. Takes same keyword arguments as pydantic.BaseModel.dict
- failure_reason: Optional[TransferIntentGetFailureReason]
The reason for a failed transfer intent. Returned only if the transfer intent status is failed. Null otherwise.
- guarantee_decision: Optional[str]
Indicates whether the transfer is guaranteed by Plaid (Guaranteed ACH customers only). This field will contain either GUARANTEED or NOT_GUARANTEED indicating whether Plaid will guarantee the transfer. If the transfer is not guaranteed, additional information will be provided in the guarantee_decision_rationale field. Refer to the code field in guarantee_decision_rationale for details.
- guarantee_decision_rationale: Optional[TransferAuthorizationGuaranteeDecisionRationale]
The rationale for Plaid’s decision to not guarantee a transfer. Will be null unless guarantee_decision is NOT_GUARANTEED.
- id: str
Plaid’s unique identifier for a transfer intent object.
- iso_currency_code: str
The currency of the transfer amount, e.g. “USD”
- json(**kwargs: Any) str [source]
Return a json string representation of the object. Takes same keyword arguments as pydantic.BaseModel.json
- metadata: Optional[TransferMetadata]
The Metadata object is a mapping of client-provided string fields to any string value. The following limitations apply: - The JSON values must be Strings (no nested JSON objects allowed) - Only ASCII characters may be used - Maximum of 50 key/value pairs - Maximum key length of 40 characters - Maximum value length of 500 characters
- mode: str
The direction of the flow of transfer funds.
PAYMENT – Transfers funds from an end user’s account to your business account.
DISBURSEMENT – Transfers funds from your business account to an end user’s account.
- origination_account_id: str
Plaid’s unique identifier for the origination account used for the transfer.
- classmethod parse_obj(data: Any) TransferIntentGet [source]
Parse a dict into the object. Takes same keyword arguments as pydantic.BaseModel.parse_obj
- classmethod parse_raw(b: Union[bytes, str], **kwargs: Any) TransferIntentGet [source]
Parse a json string into the object. Takes same keyword arguments as pydantic.BaseModel.parse_raw
- require_guarantee: Optional[bool]
When true, the transfer requires a GUARANTEED decision by Plaid to proceed (Guaranteed ACH customers only).
- status: str
The status of the transfer intent.
PENDING – The transfer intent is pending.
SUCCEEDED – The transfer intent was successfully created.
FAILED – The transfer intent was unable to be created.
- transfer_id: Optional[str]
Plaid’s unique identifier for the transfer created through the UI. Returned only if the transfer was successfully created. Null value otherwise.
- user: TransferUserInResponse
The legal name and other information for the account holder.