plaid2.model.payment_status_update_webhook module

class plaid2.model.payment_status_update_webhook.PaymentStatusUpdateWebhook(*, original_reference: Optional[str] = None, adjusted_reference: Optional[str] = None, original_start_date: Optional[str] = None, adjusted_start_date: Optional[str] = None, webhook_type: str, webhook_code: str, payment_id: str, timestamp: str, error: Optional[Error] = None, new_payment_status: str, old_payment_status: str)[source]

Bases: BaseModel

adjusted_reference: Optional[str]

The value of the reference sent to the bank after adjustment to pass bank validation rules.

adjusted_start_date: Optional[str]

// format (YYYY-MM-DD). If the start date did not require adjustment, or if the payment is not a standing order, this field will be null.


The start date sent to the bank after adjusting for holidays or weekends. Will be provided in [ISO 8601](https

dict(**kwargs: Any) Dict[str, Any][source]

Return a dict representation of the object. Takes same keyword arguments as pydantic.BaseModel.dict

error: Optional[Error]

We use standard HTTP response codes for success and failure notifications, and our errors are further classified by error_type. In general, 200 HTTP codes correspond to success, 40X codes are for developer- or user-related failures, and 50X codes are for Plaid-related issues. Error fields will be null if no error has occurred.

json(**kwargs: Any) str[source]

Return a json string representation of the object. Takes same keyword arguments as pydantic.BaseModel.json

new_payment_status: str

The status of the payment.

PAYMENT_STATUS_INPUT_NEEDED: This is the initial state of all payments. It indicates that the payment is waiting on user input to continue processing. A payment may re-enter this state later on if further input is needed.

PAYMENT_STATUS_INITIATED: The payment has been successfully authorised and accepted by the financial institution but has not been executed.

PAYMENT_STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS: The payment has failed due to insufficient funds.

PAYMENT_STATUS_FAILED: The payment has failed to be initiated. This error is retryable once the root cause is resolved.

PAYMENT_STATUS_BLOCKED: The payment has been blocked. This is a retryable error.

PAYMENT_STATUS_AUTHORISING: The payment is currently being processed. The payment will automatically exit this state when the financial institution has authorised the transaction.

PAYMENT_STATUS_CANCELLED: The payment was cancelled during authorisation.

PAYMENT_STATUS_EXECUTED: The payment has been successfully initiated and is considered complete.

PAYMENT_STATUS_ESTABLISHED: Indicates that the standing order has been successfully established. This state is only used for standing orders.

PAYMENT_STATUS_REJECTED: The payment was rejected by the financial institution.

Deprecated: These statuses will be removed in a future release.

PAYMENT_STATUS_UNKNOWN: The payment status is unknown.

PAYMENT_STATUS_PROCESSING: The payment is currently being processed. The payment will automatically exit this state when processing is complete.

PAYMENT_STATUS_COMPLETED: Indicates that the standing order has been successfully established. This state is only used for standing orders.

old_payment_status: str

The status of the payment.

PAYMENT_STATUS_INPUT_NEEDED: This is the initial state of all payments. It indicates that the payment is waiting on user input to continue processing. A payment may re-enter this state later on if further input is needed.

PAYMENT_STATUS_INITIATED: The payment has been successfully authorised and accepted by the financial institution but has not been executed.

PAYMENT_STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS: The payment has failed due to insufficient funds.

PAYMENT_STATUS_FAILED: The payment has failed to be initiated. This error is retryable once the root cause is resolved.

PAYMENT_STATUS_BLOCKED: The payment has been blocked. This is a retryable error.

PAYMENT_STATUS_AUTHORISING: The payment is currently being processed. The payment will automatically exit this state when the financial institution has authorised the transaction.

PAYMENT_STATUS_CANCELLED: The payment was cancelled during authorisation.

PAYMENT_STATUS_EXECUTED: The payment has been successfully initiated and is considered complete.

PAYMENT_STATUS_ESTABLISHED: Indicates that the standing order has been successfully established. This state is only used for standing orders.

PAYMENT_STATUS_REJECTED: The payment was rejected by the financial institution.

Deprecated: These statuses will be removed in a future release.

PAYMENT_STATUS_UNKNOWN: The payment status is unknown.

PAYMENT_STATUS_PROCESSING: The payment is currently being processed. The payment will automatically exit this state when processing is complete.

PAYMENT_STATUS_COMPLETED: Indicates that the standing order has been successfully established. This state is only used for standing orders.

original_reference: Optional[str]

The original value of the reference when creating the payment.

original_start_date: Optional[str]

The original value of the start_date provided during the creation of a standing order. If the payment is not a standing order, this field will be null.

classmethod parse_obj(data: Any) PaymentStatusUpdateWebhook[source]

Parse a dict into the object. Takes same keyword arguments as pydantic.BaseModel.parse_obj

classmethod parse_raw(b: Union[bytes, str], **kwargs: Any) PaymentStatusUpdateWebhook[source]

Parse a json string into the object. Takes same keyword arguments as pydantic.BaseModel.parse_raw

payment_id: str

The payment_id for the payment being updated

timestamp: str



The timestamp of the update, in [ISO 8601](https


// format, e.g. `”2017-09-14T14

webhook_code: str


webhook_type: str