plaid2.model.item_application_scopes_update_request module

class plaid2.model.item_application_scopes_update_request.ItemApplicationScopesUpdateRequest(*, scopes: Scopes, state: Optional[str] = None, context: str, access_token: str, application_id: str)[source]

Bases: BaseModel

access_token: str

The access token associated with the Item data is being requested for.

application_id: str

This field will map to the application ID that is returned from /item/applications/list, or provided to the institution in an oauth redirect.

context: str

An indicator for when scopes are being updated. When scopes are updated via enrollment (i.e. OAuth), the partner must send ENROLLMENT. When scopes are updated in a post-enrollment view, the partner must send PORTAL.

dict(**kwargs: Any) Dict[str, Any][source]

Return a dict representation of the object. Takes same keyword arguments as pydantic.BaseModel.dict

json(**kwargs: Any) str[source]

Return a json string representation of the object. Takes same keyword arguments as pydantic.BaseModel.json

classmethod parse_obj(data: Any) ItemApplicationScopesUpdateRequest[source]

Parse a dict into the object. Takes same keyword arguments as pydantic.BaseModel.parse_obj

classmethod parse_raw(b: Union[bytes, str], **kwargs: Any) ItemApplicationScopesUpdateRequest[source]

Parse a json string into the object. Takes same keyword arguments as pydantic.BaseModel.parse_raw

scopes: Scopes

The scopes object

state: Optional[str]

When scopes are updated during enrollment, this field must be populated with the state sent to the partner in the OAuth Login URI. This field is required when the context is ENROLLMENT.