plaid2.model.physical_document_extracted_data_analysis module

class plaid2.model.physical_document_extracted_data_analysis.PhysicalDocumentExtractedDataAnalysis(*, date_of_birth: str, expiration_date: str, issuing_country: str, name: str)[source]

Bases: BaseModel

class Config[source]

Bases: object

allow_population_by_field_name = True
date_of_birth: str

A match summary describing the cross comparison between the subject’s date of birth, extracted from the document image, and the date of birth they separately provided to the identity verification attempt.

dict(**kwargs: Any) Dict[str, Any][source]

Return a dict representation of the object. Takes same keyword arguments as pydantic.BaseModel.dict

expiration_date: str

A description of whether the associated document was expired when the verification was performed.

Note: In the case where an expiration date is not present on the document or failed to be extracted, this value will be no_data.

issuing_country: str

A binary match indicator specifying whether the country that issued the provided document matches the country that the user separately provided to Plaid.

Note: You can configure whether a no_match on issuing_country fails the documentary_verification by editing your Plaid Template.

json(**kwargs: Any) str[source]

Return a json string representation of the object. Takes same keyword arguments as pydantic.BaseModel.json

name_: str

A match summary describing the cross comparison between the subject’s name, extracted from the document image, and the name they separately provided to identity verification attempt.

classmethod parse_obj(data: Any) PhysicalDocumentExtractedDataAnalysis[source]

Parse a dict into the object. Takes same keyword arguments as pydantic.BaseModel.parse_obj

classmethod parse_raw(b: Union[bytes, str], **kwargs: Any) PhysicalDocumentExtractedDataAnalysis[source]

Parse a json string into the object. Takes same keyword arguments as pydantic.BaseModel.parse_raw