from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union
from enum import Enum
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from .transfer_authorization_decision_rationale import TransferAuthorizationDecisionRationale
from .transfer_authorization_guarantee_decision_rationale import TransferAuthorizationGuaranteeDecisionRationale
from .transfer_authorization_proposed_transfer import TransferAuthorizationProposedTransfer
[docs]class TransferAuthorization(BaseModel):
decision_rationale: Optional[TransferAuthorizationDecisionRationale] = None
"""The rationale for Plaid's decision regarding a proposed transfer. It is always set for `declined` decisions, and may or may not be null for `approved` decisions."""
guarantee_decision: Optional[str] = None
"""Indicates whether the transfer is guaranteed by Plaid (Guaranteed ACH customers only). This field will contain either `GUARANTEED` or `NOT_GUARANTEED` indicating whether Plaid will guarantee the transfer. If the transfer is not guaranteed, additional information will be provided in the `guarantee_decision_rationale` field. Refer to the `code` field in `guarantee_decision_rationale` for details."""
id: str
"""Plaid’s unique identifier for a transfer authorization."""
guarantee_decision_rationale: Optional[TransferAuthorizationGuaranteeDecisionRationale] = None
"""The rationale for Plaid's decision to not guarantee a transfer. Will be `null` unless `guarantee_decision` is `NOT_GUARANTEED`."""
decision: str
A decision regarding the proposed transfer.
`approved` – The proposed transfer has received the end user's consent and has been approved for processing by Plaid. The `decision_rationale` field is set if Plaid was unable to fetch the account information. You may proceed with the transfer, but further review is recommended (i.e., use Link in update to re-authenticate your user when `decision_rationale.code` is `LOGIN_REQUIRED`). Refer to the `code` field in the `decision_rationale` object for details.
`declined` – Plaid reviewed the proposed transfer and declined processing. Refer to the `code` field in the `decision_rationale` object for details."""
proposed_transfer: TransferAuthorizationProposedTransfer
"""Details regarding the proposed transfer."""
created: str
"""The datetime representing when the authorization was created, in the format `2006-01-02T15:04:05Z`."""
[docs] def json(self, **kwargs: Any) -> str:
"""Return a json string representation of the object. Takes same keyword arguments as pydantic.BaseModel.json"""
kwargs.setdefault("by_alias", True)
return super().json(**kwargs)
[docs] def dict(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Return a dict representation of the object. Takes same keyword arguments as pydantic.BaseModel.dict"""
kwargs.setdefault("by_alias", True)
return super().dict(**kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod
def parse_obj(cls, data: Any) -> "TransferAuthorization":
"""Parse a dict into the object. Takes same keyword arguments as pydantic.BaseModel.parse_obj"""
return super().parse_obj(data)
[docs] @classmethod
def parse_raw(cls, b: Union[bytes, str], **kwargs: Any) -> "TransferAuthorization":
"""Parse a json string into the object. Takes same keyword arguments as pydantic.BaseModel.parse_raw"""
return super().parse_raw(b, **kwargs)