Source code for plaid2.model.link_token_create_request_user

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union
from enum import Enum
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from .user_address import UserAddress
from .user_id_number import UserIdNumber
from .user_name import UserName

_ALIAS_MAP = {"name_": "name"}

[docs]class LinkTokenCreateRequestUser(BaseModel):
[docs] class Config: allow_population_by_field_name = True alias_generator = lambda field: _ALIAS_MAP.get(field, field)
name_: Optional[UserName] = None """The user's full name. Optional if using the [Identity Verification]( product; if not using Identity Verification, this field is not allowed. Users will not be asked for their name when this field is provided.""" date_of_birth: Optional[str] = None """To be provided in the format "yyyy-mm-dd". Not currently used.""" client_user_id: str """A unique ID representing the end user. Typically this will be a user ID number from your application. Personally identifiable information, such as an email address or phone number, should not be used in the `client_user_id`. It is currently used as a means of searching logs for the given user in the Plaid Dashboard.""" address: Optional[UserAddress] = None """Home address for the user.""" phone_number_verified_time: Optional[str] = None """The date and time the phone number was verified in [ISO 8601]( format (`YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ`). This field is optional, but required to enable any [returning user experience]( Only pass a verification time for a phone number that you have verified. If you have performed verification but don’t have the time, you may supply a signal value of the start of the UNIX epoch. Example: `2020-01-01T00:00:00Z` """ id_number: Optional[UserIdNumber] = None """ID number submitted by the user, currently used only for the Identity Verification product. If the user has not submitted this data yet, this field will be `null`. Otherwise, both fields are guaranteed to be filled.""" legal_name: Optional[str] = None """The user's full legal name. Currently used only to support certain legacy flows.""" email_address_verified_time: Optional[str] = None """The date and time the email address was verified in [ISO 8601]( format (`YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ`). This is an optional field used in the [returning user experience]( Only pass a verification time for an email address that you have verified. If you have performed verification but don’t have the time, you may supply a signal value of the start of the UNIX epoch. Example: `2020-01-01T00:00:00Z`""" phone_number: Optional[str] = None """The user's phone number in [E.164]( format. This field is optional, but required to enable the [returning user experience](""" ssn: Optional[str] = None """To be provided in the format "ddd-dd-dddd". Not currently used.""" email_address: Optional[str] = None """The user's email address. This field is optional, but required to enable the [pre-authenticated returning user flow]("""
[docs] def json(self, **kwargs: Any) -> str: """Return a json string representation of the object. Takes same keyword arguments as pydantic.BaseModel.json""" kwargs.setdefault("by_alias", True) return super().json(**kwargs)
[docs] def dict(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Return a dict representation of the object. Takes same keyword arguments as pydantic.BaseModel.dict""" kwargs.setdefault("by_alias", True) return super().dict(**kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def parse_obj(cls, data: Any) -> "LinkTokenCreateRequestUser": """Parse a dict into the object. Takes same keyword arguments as pydantic.BaseModel.parse_obj""" return super().parse_obj(data)
[docs] @classmethod def parse_raw(cls, b: Union[bytes, str], **kwargs: Any) -> "LinkTokenCreateRequestUser": """Parse a json string into the object. Takes same keyword arguments as pydantic.BaseModel.parse_raw""" return super().parse_raw(b, **kwargs)